Duo Jalal: Shadow and Light
Video: duoJalal perfom Shirish Korde's Joy
Bridge Records will be releasing duoJalal's new CD Shadow and Light in fall 2016. The recording will feature works by Evan Ziporyn, Giovanni Sollima, Shirish Korde, Somei Satoh, Ljova and Zhao Jiping.
Learn more at duojalal.org
Jennifer Borkowski: COMPOSED
Drawing inspiration from nature and meditation, flutist and composer Jennifer Borkowski presents her debut Ravello Records release COMPOSED.
Borkowski creates a dialog between Western and Indian classical music with her adaptation of Anusvara by Shirish Korde, in which she uses a Western classical flute.
Korde’s other work on this album, Tenderness of Cranes, offers imagery of nature: the playful dance of cranes, wings flapping on water, and birds taking flight.
Learn more at ravellorecords.com
Nina Assimakopoulos: Tenderness of Cranes
Vayu, Multi-Cultural Flute Solos from the Twenty-First Century, featuring internationally acclaimed flutist Nina Assimakopoulos, contains 10 ‘audience friendly’ avante-garde compositions for unaccompanied flute written after 1962 that blend diverse multi-cultural musical styles and indigenous flute playing techniques with practices associated with western art music and the western classical flute.
Learn more at ninaassimakopoulos.bandcamp.com